When you think about it

Staking my claim to a piece of cyberspace. Somewhere to chill, to rant , to soapbox, to inform, to learn.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Important Link for Creative People

I like Neil Gaiman's writing. He has his own blog, where today he says he as yet has not definitely been asked to write an episode of Dr. Who. (It would be mega cool if he was given that gig, though !)

More importantly, though, Neil has a crusade running at the minute to get creative people to write a will. Go here to see the details and to take action:


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Artist Trading Cards

One of my nascent hobbies is that of trading ATCs. If you are interested in trading leave me a message and your email address. I'm also interested in ATC Meetings in the vicinity of Manchester Uk, so if you know of any drop me a note.