I've been persuaded to look again at how I link my blogs, if indeed I do. Someone whose opinions I value made the comment that if you're reading a blog about football, for example, you probably won't be interested in a blog about archaeology. The feeling my friend had was that some of the information on my collective blogs was inappropriate for just anyone to be able to read, even though I have an 'honesty and openness ' policy running; I know there was an element of concern for my privacy and safety in what was said, which I appreciated.
I really don't know how I feel about it. The point is taken, and as a consequence I have unhitched my most 'advertised' blog, the roleplaying one. Aren't blogs, by their very nature, open to 'just anyone', though ? They are 'self publishing', or else could be termed 'vanity press'.
It's a dilemma for me. Nothing that appears on the Internet is 'private'. Defending copyright is very difficult unless you have corporate resources to back you. Free speech comes at a risk and can prove costly in many ways. But blogging allows you a voice, if only a very small one, and that feels like something everyone should have a right to, even if it's not the case worldwide.
On that note, here's a link to
Amnesty International.