When you think about it

Staking my claim to a piece of cyberspace. Somewhere to chill, to rant , to soapbox, to inform, to learn.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


I found a Q&A in the latest Waitrose Magazine and decided I would answer the questions here.

1. What can you see out of the window?

That's a question one can take many ways. Today I can see ocean and the approach to a foreign shore. I love to travel, so not too surprised that is where the windows of my mind are showing me. Of course it's the perfect foreign place - warm but not hot, with only friendly insect life, where as-yet-unmet friends abode. Somewhere to swim and explore and be happy. Somewhere the natives are extra friendly ;-) Rapatoka Island, then.

2. Choose five words to describe yesterday

Filling, delicious, educational, sunny, demanding.

3. Tell us something that would surprise people about yourself

I don't know . . . I am pretty outspoken about myself, especially when hiding behind pseudonyms. Also, which people? What anyone knows about me varies with how I know them. I suppoose in hiding behind so many nomme de plumes you readers might not know I am actually a fat and quite ordinary female from the UK?

4. What was the last conversation you had with a well-known person?

I stuttered and clammed up and lost my nerve with Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto from Torchwood). He's so beautiful I was in awe!

5. What is the kindest thing someone has done for you?

Gosh, people are kind so often . . . Got it! A B Gayle and her husband very kindly provided for me during a whole week's holiday that I could never have afforded myself.

6. What is the most expensive item you have bought in the last month?

I bought a copy of the latest text on Dylsexia. I used to teach dyslexic adults and I like to 'keep my hand in'. It was written by a former tutor of mine, Kath Kelly.

7. Recommend a book, film or album from the last year.

Epitaph, by Andrea Speed.

8. Who has inspired you most in your career?

I've had a few different 'callings', but probably the person who most inspired me in my life as a whole was my first year Juniors teach, Mr. Arthur James Raynor. He taght me my first lessons in being myself. He also got me reading and advised 'Must write more'.

9. What three things would you take to a desert island? 

If people count: Jessie Blackwood, Bear Grylls and Tom Hiddleston. If we could have items as well: An axe, a tarpaulin and a long bow.

10. What are your plans for the weekend?

I am going roleplaying with a couple of good friends. It involves a road trip, so thats a bonus! I'm also going to be doing some research concerning the Tarot, playing with my cat and talking with my best friend.

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