When you think about it

Staking my claim to a piece of cyberspace. Somewhere to chill, to rant , to soapbox, to inform, to learn.

Friday, March 02, 2007

That's the wonder of Wikipaedia

You may already know that I am an avid roleplay gamer. Recently my games have had me visiting Wikipaedia a lot, and it fascinates me how the Internet, and Wikipaedia in particular, can lead to all sorts of adventures of discovery.

Lately I have explored Darwinism, Robert Burns, Magnetism, Mesmerism, Ahura Mazda, Various Sumerian deities, and a whole bundle of science stuff I couldn't really get to proper grips with, but enjoyed anyway.

I love the whole concept of public access and community journalism. Wish I had a connection that could accomodate stuff like U-Tube too.

Enjoy the lateral thinking journey which is the Internet, folks !


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