When you think about it

Staking my claim to a piece of cyberspace. Somewhere to chill, to rant , to soapbox, to inform, to learn.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Metacognition - Thinking About It

Interesting blog discovered on the topic of elearning, called Internet Time Blog, so I've put it into my links list.

Metacognition is really important to what I do for a living. I teach people to do it. I try to do it myself. To do it you need to be self-aware and conscious of how you learn. I'm a very reflective person and I like stuff like this.

This blog of mine is about thinking, about questioning, about learning. Part of it is about recording what I've learnt about blogging and where I've learnt it from, hence the 'Experiencing the Blog' posts.

Questioning is a really important activity. I learnt this in my first job. I started out with a research job. It was a great job, but a fixed contract, so I couldn't stay doing it forever. I learnt never to trust a source without checking out it's credentials and without cross-referencing to other sources. I learnt that some sources are more reliable than others, and that some writers have better credentials than others when it comes to the accuracy and quality of their information. I'm trying to apply this when I look at how other bloggers do things. I'm also trying to make what I write interesting !


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